Puppy Preschool Class

Pip has been teaching Puppy Classes for over 24 years at South Wairarapa Vets and is a qualified vet nurse of 18 years. She loves working with people and their dogs, especially puppies.  

We believe in keeping things simple and fun at puppy school so owners can easily carry on with the new ideas they learn. 

Dogs101 Puppy Pre-School is for pups under 20 weeks of age (at the time of the first session). This is held at the South Wairarapa Vets Masterton clinic, 397 Queen Street, Kuripuni.

Puppy Pre-School: Wednesday evenings 6:30pm – 7:30pm.


Dogs101 Teenager Class is for dogs aged 5 months – 2 years This is also held at West Taratahi Hall.

Teenager Class: Saturdays, 11:30am – 12:30pm.

All courses are 4 weeks of 1 hour sessions, at a total cost of $150. The price also includes some goodies to take home with you.

All pups attending must be as up to date as possible with all vaccinations.

The next lot of classes will be starting on the following dates:

Puppy Pre-School –

Wednesday 26 JUNE 2024-6 30 pm till 7 30 pm in Masterton. Please use booking form below
Wednesday 24 JULY 20246 30 pm till 7 30 pm In Masterton. Please use booking form below

Teenager Class
Saturday 27 July 2024 11 30 am to 12 30 PM – Please use booking form below

To book please use the form below.

Book here


We hold the Dogs101 Teenage Class at West Taratahi Hall 713 (Chester Road, West Taratahi 5791).

South Wairarapa Vets Puppy Pre-School

We also work with South Wairarapa Vets to deliver Puppy Preschool. These classes are aimed at pups under 20 weeks. Email us or register online.

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